Integrative Dental Medicine

Integrative Dental Medicine

While gum disease and tooth decay are the more obvious signs of poor oral health, chronic low-grade infection in the mouth can elevate systemic inflammation in the body. We now know that systemic inflammation plays a key role in the development of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases as well as autoimmune disorders and diabetes.


Our team offers preventative oral health care strategies that address whole body health. We use an integrative approach to treating oral inflammation with an overall goal of reducing systemic inflammation.


At South Bay dentistry we are dedicated to improving the understanding of the oral-systemic link and its crucial role in determining the whole-body health outcomes of our patients. With nearly 20 years of practice Dr. McCaskill understands now more than ever the importance of a healthy mouth as it relates to a healthy body. She has completed hundreds of hours of continuing education, much of which is aimed at understanding this crucial link. We at South Bay Dentistry aim to bridge the gap between dentistry and medicine. We want to partner with you and your physician to create better whole-body health outcomes.